Please find here the Documents to provide and additional information to obtain the Proof of Life.
Documents to provide:
Proof of life form dully signed in presence of the Consul and properly completed.
If you will not sign before the Consul, you must sign before a Public Notary from Louisiana, Mississippi or Alabama.
Photocopy of the Social Security ID from Panama.
Photocopy of the Passport or Panamanian ID.
Self-addressed stamped envelop to return the document to you.
Additional information:
Social Security phone number in the Republic of Panama: 001 (507) 261-4413
Physical Address to send the documents to the Republic of Panama:
Caja del Seguro Social de Panamá
Depto. de Pagos de Prestaciones Económicas
Edificio Los Mosqueteros, Transistmica
Panamá, Rep. de Panamá
Atención: Lic. Marcela Sánchez
There is no fee for this service.
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